Our Lawncare Programs:
Our lawncare programs are designed for several different types of grass. Some of the more popular types of grass in our area are fescue, bluegrass, bremuda, and buffalo grass. We have designed three different programs, each custom tailored to your specific grass type and needs.
Pro-Tech Spraying Service is now offering its new Premier Lawn Program, consisting of eight applications per year, designed to combat high Ph levels in Southwestern Kansas and Panhandle Oklahoma in Fescue, Bluegrass, and Bermuda Lawns.
Pro-Tech Spraying Service’s Premier Lawn Care Program encompasses all of your lawn’s needs, including two applications of preemergent to prevent future weeds; insecticides to prevent grubs, chinch bugs, leaf hoppers, chiggers, and other pests; fertilization and weed control, and sulfur to lower Ph levels in your soil, allowing for better nutrient intake from your grass.
High Ph levels have been a problem across Southwestern Kansas and Panhandle Oklahoma, and will cause yellowing in yards, thinning of grass, and increased weeds due to poor performance of preemergents. This program is designed to combat these problems and runs from Mid-February to Mid-November.
For a full, thick, green lawn, this is the program for you.
Our Five-Step Program is what many of our customers have used over the years, and is still available to all customers. While a changing environment in Kansas has caused us to create our Premier Lawn Care Program, many customers are still satisfied with this program.
We deliver five different applications which blend together fertilizer, weed killer, and preemergent, and have been modified to help your grass throughout the year. Additional options include a sulfur app and a grub app.
Our Low-Maintenance Program is designed specifically for buffalo grass, but works very well with bremuda grass as well. Buffalo grass is native to Kansas, and does not need the same amount of fertilizer that bluegrass and fescue require. Because of this, our Low-Maintenance program focuses more on preventative maintenance.

Grub Prevention/Treatment
Can be added to either the Five-Step Program or Low Maintenance Program
Grub prevention is an optional additional application that can be added to either the Five-Step Program or the Low Maintenance Program. It is highly recommended for fescue and bluegrass lawns, as they are more likely to incur damage from grubs. Buffalo and bremuda lawns are typically more able to survive grub damage from a small infestation, but a large infestation can be devastating.
**This application is included in the Premier Lawn Care Program.

Fungicide Application
A seperate application to be applied on an as-needed basis
Lawns may develop a fungus due to weather conditions, but because of the high cost of fungicide and the unpredictability of fungus-inducing weather, it is fairly impracticle to spray fungicide as a preventative measure. We will apply fungicide on an as-needed basis at an extra cost.
A fungus can spread rapidly throughout a yard and the damage can be permanent, so if your have one, call ASAP.
**This application is free (as needed) if on the Premier Lawn Care Program.