Tree services:

Pine-Tip Moth
Pine-Tip Moth infect the new growth on Pine trees. While they can't kill your tree in one year, they can kill up to one third of the needles on the tree per year, severely stressing the tree. If left untreated for a couple years, they can completely kill your tree.
Our experts can use a foliar insecticide spray, along with a methylated activator, which causes the insecticide to saok in through the bark and branches, killing them inside the tree.

Iron Chlorosis
Iron Chlorosis is caused by a lack of iron, and effects many different types of trees, inluding maple, oak, pear, walnut, and many other trees and shrubs.

Our experts can treat your tree for Iron Chlorosis intravenously, through soil injection, or by foliar spraying. The treatment method will depend on the size and type of your tree.

Fire Blight
Fire Blight is a fungus which depletes nutrients from the tree, and effects many different types of trees. Fire blight can severly damage your tree.

Our technicians treat for fire blight by spraying the entire tree with fungicide. Generally, it can cured with one application, but in some cases may require a second application.

Wood Bore
Wood Bores borrow into the tree and eat the soft tissue inside of your tree. Indications of wood bores include exit holes and saw dust. Over time, this will kill your tree.

Our technicians treat for wood bores by injecting insectidice into the trunk of your tree, killing the wood bores. Once a tree has become infested with wood bores, it will be more likely to become infested in future years, so a yearly treatment is recommended.

Bag Worms
Bag worms attach to the branches of cedars and pines and deplete them of nutrients, killing the branches. A large infestation may kill the entire tree.

Our technicians treat for bag worms by spraying insecticide across the entire tree, killing any bag worms currently on your tree.

Pine-Tip Blight
Pine-tip blight is a fungus that lives in the spores of the tree, and will cause great damage to your tree.

Our technicians treat for pine-tip blight by spraying the entire tree with fungicide. Pine-tip blight generally requires two treatments about 7-14 days apart. Once a tree has gotten pine-tip blight, it will be more susceptible to it in the future, so a yearly preventative treatment is recommended.